Psalm 46:10; Colossians 4:21; 2 Peter 1:3-4
“When you bring Me prayer requests, lay our your concerns before Me. Speak to Me candidly; pour out your heart. Then thank Me for the answers that I have set into motion long before you can discern results.” Jesus Calling
“Trust Me by relinquishing control into My Hands. Let go, and recognize that I am God. This is My World: I made it and I control it.” Jesus Calling
I have heard the verse is Psalm 46:10 many times, “Be Still and Know that I am God…” but the New American Standard Bible that I have has a different translation of that verse and it takes on a whole new meaning. The NASB states it this way “Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46:10. Relinquishing control is not my thing, relinquishing control means that I am not in control. I know, I know that is the part of giving up control, you are not supposed to be in control. Cease striving…quit trying to control everything. I have never thought that keeping control was going against the will of God. Our God is a control freak. Our God is the creator of the universe, and He made the universe the exact way that He wanted it made. By us hanging onto things that we cannot control, but desperately want to are we going against the will of God? For those of you that know me, if I am not in control of the situation I feel super uncomfortable in that situation. I am as much of a control freak as there is on this planet, but does that mean I am going against the will of God? If I am completely honest with myself, I may not like the answer. At the end of verse 10 in Psalm 46, it says that “I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Our God has planned everything and in the end He will be exalted regardless of how much we try to prevent that.
When I pray, (and that is not near often enough) I don’t like things to get messy. You have been around the person that spills out their entire heart at the feet of God so that our God will carry those burdens, I feel really uncomfortable during those situations. But God calls us to lay our burdens down at His feet. He doesn’t say lay your burdens at my feet as long as they are clean and tidy. He doesn’t care how messy things get in our lives; He wants us to be completely real and honest at the foot of his throne. He knows what is going on in your life already; He wants us to be able to trust Him and to be vulnerable so that we have to lean on Him during those times. Trust and control seem to be two different disciplines in my life, but the more and more I think about it trust and control go together like supply and demand. For those of you not familiar with supply and demand here is very, very scaled down version. Supply and demand are usually inverse properties. If demand is high, then supply is typically lower. If supply is high, demand is typically lower. It is like the old playground toy, the teeter-totter; if one end is up the other is down. Now apply that to trust and control. The more we trust in our Heavenly Father, the less control that we have over our life. The more control we have, the less we are trusting. That steps on my toes a LOT! I don’t like that fact that if I am trying to control my life, I probably do not trust enough what God is doing in my life. Our God wants nothing more than for us to trust in Him completely, to completely lean on Him for everything in our life. Not just the life-changing, groundbreaking things, He wants us to lean on Him in our daily life with even the smallest of things.
My challenge to me especially and to anyone else who struggles with control, let go of the things that you cannot change. Let go of trying to be god of your own life. We already have a God who is way better equipped to do that. Love God:Love Men
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