Monday, January 14, 2013

Is your cup empty?

1 Samuel 16:7; Romans 8:38-39

“Do not be ashamed of your emptiness.  Instead, view it as the optimal condition for being filled with My Peace.” Jesus Calling

It is easy for me to appear to have it all together.  I want it to look like to other people that I know what I am doing and that I know how things are supposed to be done; whether that is in my job or my personal life or anywhere.  I don’t ever want it to seem that I don’t know what is going on regardless of the situation.  Clearly, I am not the only person to have felt that way because in 1 Samuel 16:7 the Lord said to Samuel “…Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature…for God sees not as man sees, for man look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”  I feel like that when I put on the face of I have everything together that I am fooling some people.  Sure I may be able to fool the person that I see at the grocery store or the teller at the bank, but there are certain people that I cannot fool regardless of how hard I try.  My wife is one of those people, it doesn’t matter what I do or how I act if there is something that is bothering me my wife is one of the first people to know.  My wife can do that because she knows me so well.  So well in fact that there are times when just by an expression on my face she can tell exactly what is going on.  Even though my wife knows me that well, our God knows me even better than that.  Our God knows exactly what I am thinking; our God knows exactly how much we don’t have it together.  Our God sees straight through the façade that we put up and directly into our hearts.  And even better yet, our God isn’t disappointed when we don’t have it all together.  He takes that opportunity for us to be filled by His spirit, to be filled by His Presence.  Our God is walking side by side with us through every trial and tribulation that we face just waiting for us to let Him carry us. 

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 NASB.  Our God is never going to leave us when we don’t have it together.  Our God is never going to abandon us when we feel empty.  Our God is never going to hide himself from us.  Our God is never going to let anything come in between us and Him.  Our God wants nothing more than for us to be the people that lean on Him in every situation.  He wants us to be guided by His plan.  He wants for us to be wrapped in love, a love that we cannot comprehend, a love that was made possible by the death of Jesus.  There is nothing in this world, nothing that we can do, nothing that Satan can throw at us that will make our God leave our side.  Be filled with the presence of God, let your cup runneth over with blessings that our God has laid out before us.  Let our God walk beside you.  Love God: Love Men.

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